Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Summer Starting Over

I wanted to write because there is an air of starting over in my life. Not in any sort of dramatic change, but more wanting to assume more mature level in life. What a bore, this must seem but there is some meat to it. I have three things going on: starting summer school, boyfriend moving, and wanting to reform my tush.

This Saturday I will start the summer session of my Green MBA. Since the Spring semester ended, I have worked on a number of community activities to promote a more sustainable lifestyle. I co-organize Green Drinks for Santa Cruz, holding large events where green business owners, climate change scientist, and civic leaders have a chance to discuss their work. Despite all the work, it pays off in experience.

Another change is the fact that my boyfriend will be moving to London in a few weeks and we will break up as a result. It is a sad story, one where two people fell in love at the wrong time. I am constantly anonyed though when people tell me to follow him. Don't they remember I have a graduate program I adore?

Finally, I got to get my bod back. I have had a hell of a summer so far and as a result, I gained twenty pounds. That needs to come off ASAP.

I hope to address these events and more on my blog. yay.