Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The backstory

I'm adding some personal bits to this blog, perhaps it will be a good idea, perhaps I will one day be held liable for the content. :)

Am I single? Um no. Got the boyfriend, check. He cares about me ooddles. I think he is grand. Why does it sound like I am holding him at a distance? Well, on our first date he told me that for grad school he applied to Georgetown, University of Washington, and London School of Economics. I laughed to myself and though, "Sure, and I applied to the Moon. Hopefully I get in." I mean who actually gets accepted to those schools? Well, just before I went to bed after the end of the first date, he texts me, "I checked my mail on the way home. I got accepted into the London School of Economics" I yelled out, "Holy shit, he is for real."

So there goes it. I signed on for a maximun four month relationship. Will I keep it as a long distance relationship? He is a 26 yr old man who has never traveled Europe. I have and am well aware of hostels, hotties, and hang overs. I rather shoo him away to experience life than hold him down to some long distance mess.

It is certainly not without its challenges, he really likes me and hates the fact that he only just met now. He used to be the bouncer at the bar I went to, he had three years to notice that I was flirting with him then. He only figured this out just now.

We have two months to go and I guess I am just taking things for what they are. Enjoying the time while it is there. Already though I have met: his sister, his cousin, his aunts, his other cousins.... I keep getting introduced, shaking hands, and being asked what am I going to do when he leaves. "Um, carry on with my life and graduate school?"

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