Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Nickel and Dimed

I forgot what a quick read this book is. I am about halfway through it in one night. What I feel now is a unsettling sense of regression to the period in my life where I wasn't too far off from Barbara's experiences. I was 18 living on my own working three jobs living on $5 a week food money, best weight loss plan ever. Hot dogs, without those expensive buns, rolls, and cheese circles I stoled out of the fruit baskets I delivered at the flower shop I worked at.

I find this book a little condescending though. The author is fine but she talks about what anyone else would work worked in that environment. To read the "rewards" on the cover and the back of the book is ridiculously elite snobbery.

Im bummed

1 comment:

the carlisle said...

Hi Caroline,

Believe it or not, someone else has read your blogs...Me! Have you discovered that you don't have enough time to continue the blog?

I'm beginning the Green MBA program in the fall, and find it most interesting to get an inside scoop on what it's like. Plus, I'm a slow reader so it's helpful for me to see what you're into so that maybe I can get a headstart. Well, anyway, if you're looking for a little motivation to keep writing, think of me and other future and prospective Green MBA'rs