Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Critical Thinking Business ReDesign Homework 1

Deming CH 1-2 (Done review notes)
Punished by Rewards Ch 1-2 (Still need to read)
Blink Ch 1-3 (Done review)
Nickel & Dimed Ch 1-3 (Read once, need to read again)
Lives per Gallon Ch1 (Need to buy and read)

Writing assignment: Write 5pgs on the relationship how the perception and thinking habits/patterns/practices discussed in Blink (thin slicing, positive/negative sentiment overide for example) are evidence in the actions reported in Nickel and Dimed and Punished by Rewards

Notes from Punished by Rewards
"The ida is that the best way to get something done is to provide a reward to people when they act the way we want them to"
" To take what people want or need and offer it on a contingent basis in order to control how they act - this is where the trouble lies." p4 Misdirected attention not on what is desired but what we have to do to get that.

STOP: There is a quote here about compliance. I question how does this process fit in with business. Compliance and rewards have done wonders in improving the green business environment.

"This book is more concerned with operant conditioning" condescending ass

Thoughts as of Page 10. This ass. I want to see this author's grade in his high school biology class. My issue: first of all he is associating behaviorist Skinner, i.e. the soft science of psychology with the same sort of science that a neuroscientist would encounter. Wrong

He finished up the first chapter with "Rewards don't bring about the changs w are hoping for, but the point here is also that something else is going on: the more rewards are used the more they seem to be needed." Reminds me of the chicken and the egg which came first, the tendency toward good behavior or the constant need of the reward for the good behavior. eh he is warming up to me, maybe not sure.

ESSAY NOTE: Find that article about how my Generation Y needs to be patted on the head more often.

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